Belgravia Foundation welcomes Chi Tran to the team

Belgravia Foundation strives to support the entire leisure sector through multi-layered activities. Supporting the next generation of workers and leaders is one part of this. Through carefully planned and supported activities, people who seek to gain experience and deeper understanding related to health, diversity, inclusion and leisure can gain knowledge and skills that can be carried forward and influence their work for years to come.

Belgravia Foundation and Belgravia Leisure are currently hosting Chi Tran, a student at Monash University completing field placement. Below Ms Tran comments on this exciting opportunity, her inspirations and how she can share her expertise to create positive outcomes for both organisations.

“I am Chi Tran. I am in my final year of Public Health at Monash University, and I am truly honoured to have been placed with Belgravia Leisure and Foundation for my industry placement.

Being inspired by my mother's professional journey as an officer at "The Vietnam Tobacco Control Fund", I started to concern myself with public health at an early age, as I was amazed by how community activities have been helping to diminish the number of chain smokers in Vietnam, I fostered the dream of promoting a healthy lifestyle among the young generation.

Back in high school in Vietnam, I was the leader of the "The Inspiration Project" from The CNNShine - a community-based activity club at Foreign Languages Specializing School. My team and I often visited the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion to send gifts, including some essential foods with spiritual encouragement, with the desire to share and encourage the children as well as the patient's family. Furthermore, each year, we worked together to create a video to raise and improve health literacy in high school students, comprising physical and mental health. The videos would be uploaded to our Facebook page to reach the intended population.

Having studied at Monash Public Health for almost three years, the degree has offered me numerous knowledge and skills, including addressing determinants of health, applying social and behavioural sciences in public health, preventing and controlling communicable and non-communicable diseases, planning and evaluating health programs, translating health research into practice. Having several opportunities to create posters, do teamwork assessments, and other health reports in selected units has provided me with invaluable experience that might help me in my career in Public Health.

Working with Belgravia Leisure and Foundation is a precious experience for me, allowing me to apply the knowledge and skills that I have gained from the university and contribute to the team. I am excited to bring the best version of myself, with the willingness to learn and the adaptability in the workplace.”

Emma Lowe