Get your tickets to the Belgravia Foundation Inspiration Breakfast

Come and join us at the annual Belgravia Foundation Inspiration Breakfast.

With a focus on using physical exercise to combat mental illness, the Inspiration Breakfast will be a fun and informative event, as well as a great networking opportunity.

Through leisure, sport and fitness, we have pledged to help those in need towards improved health and happiness. This is an enormous task, but we have made great progress!

At our Inspiration Breakfast you will learn how the Belgravia Foundation continues to meet this pledge and is working to transform the sports and leisure industries.

Join us as you learn more about TakeCharge!, Everybody's Welcome! and All In!


When: Thursday, February 14, 2019 |  7am to 9am
Where: ZINC Federation Square - Swanston St &, Flinders St, Melbourne VIC 3000

We look forward to sharing the foundation's plans for 2019 with you next month, but in the meantime please enjoy the below video highlights from last year's Sydney Inspiration Breakfast.


Alex Lord, Belgravia Foundation Chairman

Ranjit Nair