It's time for you to Take Charge!, put 2020 behind you and become inspired about the future by joining with us and others from across Australia and New Zealand at the annual Belgravia Foundation Inspiration Breakfast.
The focus of the event will be about Belgravia Foundation’s signature Take Charge! programs and will feature the launch of the free Mental Health eLearning Program.
Mental health is a major concern in Australia and New Zealand, and the concern is predicted to deepen in 2021 and after, particularly so among youth – the very group who make up a large proportion of the workers in the leisure and community sport sectors.
Developed with guidance of international experts, this cutting-edge program provides training for workers and volunteers in the leisure and community sport sectors in Australia and New Zealand.
Importantly, the program is the result of partnership and collaboration by 13 leading leisure and community sport organisations from Australia and New Zealand, ensuring sector wide support and capacity to disseminate widely to workers and volunteers – people who have experienced very difficult and challenging times during 2020.
In alignment with the motto that ‘no one misses out’, during the breakfast a year-long campaign to ‘Connect Kids in Care’ to swimming lessons will be launched. Across Australia and New Zealand, approaching 60,000 children are in out-of-home-care (foster care) at any one time, with many others in crises accommodation due to family difficulties.
To round-out the celebration and become inspired, attendees will learn about the raft of programs and support Belgravia Foundation has provided to people in need during 2020.
The Belgravia Foundation is seeking funds to continue to support these valuable programs across Australia and New Zealand and attendees will have an opportunity to contribute toward addressing the challenges being addressed by these programs.
Click here to register for the FREE online event.
We hope to see you there!